This is our final 'pro bono' design.
Nicola G. Day is a holistic therapist. She had a BT-Telecom site but didn't find it cost effective. The number of referals she obtained did not warrant the monthly fees she had to pay. Also she was not the owner of her own domain name.
Webscaping has taken on the task of producing a site that will be easy to maintain and have minimal outlay.It is still under construction, but you are welcome to watch it develop... and/or contact Nicola if you are interested in a holistic therpapy or a Tai Chi class - she is an excellent instructor. Lynda attends two of her weekly classes! Just use the contact form on her website. It is easy to use.
This is a screen-shot of the opening page. At the moment it has too much information on it. I need to discuss with Nicola how we can make it more friendly for mobile phone users.
The left hand column has links to all of the therapies she has on offer.
Her qualifications are in the right hand column with links to the organisation she has been approved by.