Social Media -
Facebook Page
It is a good idea to set up a Facebook Page to complement your site. It is free and quick to set up and maintain.
Social media is a powerful tool. You should harness its power to make people aware of your business. It can promote your site.
Setting up the Page is done via your own Facebook account, but Webscaping will gladly help you by designing graphics that you can use on your Facebook Page. See our Page to get an idea of what I mean.
Posting developments and events are easy via Facebook... and it is free (unless you let them market your page... then it gets costly...)
Should you decide not to have a site but just set up a Facebook Page we are able to help you with that. You need to have a logo and a page banner to make your Page stand out. We can help you with that!
You can control who posts to your page. Therefore you can review and remove any negative comments before they are circulated.
Facebook settings can be used so that you recieve an e-mail whenever anyone posts a comment or contacts you via facebook.
It is an promotional tool that can be free and far reaching.